Here we are: Week #26. That means I’ve shipped a new issue of this newsletter every week for six months! In lieu of celebrating and taking the week off, let’s talk about giving your audience what they want.
If you have something in your marketing mix that has done well, keep doing it! You might be tired of it (probably because you worked on it for a long time before it saw the light of day). But your audience will let you know when they’re tired of it.
In that spirit, I’m going to re-share the infographics I designed over the past quarter. If you find this useful, tell a friend! If this was forwarded to you, hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss out on future issues.
That’s it for this week. I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe this issue marks six months of constantly shipping a newsletter with a brand-new infographic each week. It’s a lot of work coming up with a new design style each week, but it’s been a fun challenge.
Thanks to all of you who read, share, and comment each week. You keep me going!