Showing 63 Result(s)

The Emotional Power of Video

We all know that video is one of the best ways to engage an audience. But do we know why? On a recent episode of Digital Marketing Podcast, Hurricane Media general manager Jon Mowat broke down the science behind why video grabs our attention (spoiler: it’s due to snakes) and how emotional stories in videos can be powerful, …

Secrets of a Successful CMO

Peter Mahoney is the founder and CEO of Boston-based Plannuh, a company that builds and manages marketing plans and performance. Not only is he the host of a podcast called The Next CMO, but he also wrote the book of the same name. Recently, Mahoney was on Douglas Burdett’s podcast, Marketing Book Podcast. In this episode, the two of …

Defining Some Design & Branding Terms

Debbie Millman has been podcasting about design since podcasting was cool, and then while it wasn’t cool, and now in the golden age of podcasting. To say she’s a design legend would be underselling it. Recently, she sat down on Kara Swisher’s Sway podcast. Throughout the conversation, Millman gave definitions for some key terms that anyone in marketing …

Using Persuasion & Empathy for Storytelling Success

One of the world’s best presentation and communications experts, Nancy Duarte, has spent decades defining what makes a great presentation. Now, with most people being remote, it takes more than just amazing slides to engage an audience. Duarte recently sat down with Isra García on his Disrupt Everything podcast to walk through how to craft a story, and how to get …

Humanize Your Brand

It’s cliche to say the pandemic changed everything … but it did. Because of this, consumers are looking for more human experiences. This means that companies must move away from corporate speak and be authentic and human. Marketing speaker, author, and educator, Mark Schaefer, was recently on the Marketing Smarts podcast by MarketingProfs and he spoke about the importance of …

How to Evolve Your Legacy Brand

Mayur Gupta has spent years pushing brands to new levels at companies such as Kimberly-Clark, Spotify, and Freshly. Now he’s been tasked with bringing the famous Gannett brand into the future. Recently, he sat down with the Marketing Trends podcast from Mission to discuss how CMOs can change the engine while still flying the plane. Here are the …

Friction Can Be … Good?

Soon Yu is a speaker on innovation and design and the author of Iconic Advantage. Later this year he’ll be releasing a book on the benefits of friction in experiences. He recently spoke on The Justin Brady Show about this exact topic. While it may seem counterintuitive, Soon explains why adding friction can be a good thing and gives …

How to Build Your Personal Brand (and why you should)

Lydia Pierre has been shaping executive personal brands for more than 12 years. In her role as Senior Director of Brand Management at PBG, she has learned what people need to launch and sustain their personal brands. Recently, Lydia sat down with Nick Westergaard on his On Brand podcast to talk about why you need a personal brand, and what you …

Moving from ABM to ABX

Jon Miller has seen a lot of evolution during his time in Marketing. From the early days as a co-founder, and the first CMO, of Marketo, to his time as CEO at Engagio, to his current role as CMO at Demandbase, Miller has seen how account-based marketing (ABM) could work better as account-based experiences (ABX).  He talked …

Storytelling Lessons from Marvel

Storytelling Lessons from Marvel to Marketing

Recently on a Twitter Spaces session of Christina Garnett’s Unverified, we discussed Marvel’s storytelling techniques and how they can apply to marketing. It was a fun, free-flowing conversation ranging from customer engagement to creator rights. But it got me thinking about some of the tactics that Marvel used to use on the publishing side (long before these characters …