
Some stuff I've learned over the years.

12 Interview Tips for Young Designers

12 Interview Tips for Young Designers

May 15th marked 15 years as a professional-someone-actually-pays-me-to-do-this designer. I still remember the day I walked into my first real design job and sat in my cubicle. But that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t passed that job interview. For the past couple of years, I’ve been fortunate to go back to my alma mater and …

My 6 favorite podcasts

My 6 Favorite Podcasts (this week)

I have become a podcast junky. During my one hour commute each day, I consume as much information as possible. Most of these podcasts are focused on marketing or design. Every now and then I drift into something that is purely entertainment. But I tend to be choosy about those. The podcasts listed below are …

15 Business Inspiration Quotes from Mad Men

15 Business Inspiration Quotes from Mad Men

Sunday, May 17th marked the finale to one of the greatest shows in television history. Late on Saturday afternoon, my wife gave me the idea for this blog post/SlideShare presentation. I already had the images created due to an incomplete poster project. I found a topic and then mapped quotes to go along with the characters …

Marketing is your starting pitcher

Marketing is Your Starting Pitcher

I’ve worked for a few different companies in diverse industries. And I’ve noticed one common theme: Marketing is often looked down upon by Sales. In some ways, I can understand the basics of this thinking. Sales bring money in whereas Marketing spends money. But this is the old way of thinking.  Marketing can also be …