Last week we looked at the importance of being data-driven in your marketing. This week, I listened to a great podcast that says the other side of the equation is equally important: Brand Marketing.
Gartner analysts Julie Reeves and Noam Dorros, were recently on the #Hashtags marketing & communication podcast to talk about why marketing teams have shifted so far toward performance marketing, and why the pendulum is starting to swing back to brand marketing.
The reality is that we shouldn’t be asking which one to do. We should be figuring out how to do both Brand Marketing AND Performance Marketing.
Here’s a little whiteboarding session with my notes.

I have seen success when relying on either side of the brand/performance equation. My role requires me to pay attention to both. I believe that being data-informed is better than being data-driven because there are times when the unmeasurable must be taken into account.
Disclaimer: my team is currently engaged with Gartner and Julie Reeves on a branding project. But that had no bearing on me selecting this podcast to recap. I thought this topic was a perfect follow up to last week’s recap.
If you’re new here, welcome! If you found this informative, check out the other recaps I have pulled together.
Thanks to Rolf van Root for spotlighting this newsletter for his audience. I was just introduced to his newsletter and it looks like a great rundown of recent marketing and content recommendations.
Also, it was pointed out to me that not everyone knows I design each one of these every week. It’s all me! Usually, I work in Adobe Illustrator. Sometimes I’ll use Photoshop, too. This week was created using the Procreate app on my iPad.
I hope you have a great week, and thanks for skimming!