Showing 49 Result(s)
Keene State College

20 Years Later

A couple of months ago while at Epcot, I had the privilege of sharing a beer hall dinner table with James Coleman. He has spent the last 50 years working on Disney art and animation. He was the background art director for movies such as The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.  While talking with him, …

How to lead a rebranding

How to Lead a Rebrand (Without Going Crazy)

Is your visual style going through a facelift? Or, perhaps your company, on its way to world domination, has bought out a competitor? Either way, one thing’s for certain: It’s time to rebrand everything you’ve ever made. How to begin? Take it from a veteran of both situations: You don’t want to go in blind. …

Email Design Conference 2015

Key Takeaways from The Email Design Conference #TEDC15

For the third year in a row, I’ve been fortunate to attend the Email Design Conference presented by Litmus. Each year we are inundated by some of the best email marketing designers and developers in the world. Email marketing is one of those areas where there are 100 ways to skin a cat. Everyone has their own best practices, …

Live Video blog post

Is Your Network Ready for Live Streaming Video? [INFOGRAPHIC]

By now you’ve heard the stories: Periscope and Meerkat are the hot apps for live-streaming video. Now that they’re both available for iOS and Android, usage is going to go through the roof. This post isn’t about which app is better. There are plenty of articles all over the web focused on that debate. This post is to let you know that …

12 Interview Tips for Young Designers

12 Interview Tips for Young Designers

May 15th marked 15 years as a professional-someone-actually-pays-me-to-do-this designer. I still remember the day I walked into my first real design job and sat in my cubicle. But that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t passed that job interview. For the past couple of years, I’ve been fortunate to go back to my alma mater and …

15 Business Inspiration Quotes from Mad Men

15 Business Inspiration Quotes from Mad Men

Sunday, May 17th marked the finale to one of the greatest shows in television history. Late on Saturday afternoon, my wife gave me the idea for this blog post/SlideShare presentation. I already had the images created due to an incomplete poster project. I found a topic and then mapped quotes to go along with the characters …