Showing 49 Result(s)

The Lines Between B2B & B2C are Blurring

There are some B2C products that take as much consideration as a B2B product. But we don’t often think about how the sales and marketing of those products are more similar than we may think. I’ve spent good amounts of time on both sides of this equation throughout my career and I can tell you …

Questions for Creative People

Thanks for sticking around while I took some time off. August was a time of a bit of burnout and then a long vacation. So, now that we’ve reached September, I’m back to it. And welcome to all of the new subscribers who signed up even though I took a few weeks off. This week …

Start Curious, Stay Curious

There’s an unfortunate trend where people learn a lot early in their career, and then rely on that knowledge throughout their career. But those who grow the fastest tend to be life-long learners. The best way to foster never-ending learning is to stay curious. This can be a mindset shift for some people. But there …

The Road to CMO

This issue is a little different, you’ll have to click on the link below to see the infographic and full article. Years ago I had the privilege of working for Vala Afshar when he took over as Chief Marketing Officer for our company at the time, Enterasys Networks. Shortly after that, we were acquired by Extreme Networks, …

Data is More Than Just Numbers

Too often we evaluate the wrong things with data. As marketers, we need to use data to figure out what to do next. Data can help predict the future, but many of us just use data to look back in time (because that’s much easier). When it comes to explaining what the data is indicating, …

What Does Your CEO Really Want from Marketing?

Every CEO views Marketing differently. Some see it as a cost. Others see it as a way to drive sales. Gil Allouche is the founder and CEO of Because his company sells to marketers, he understands the value of marketing. In a recent Exit Five B2B Marketing Podcast with Dave Gerhardt, Gil details what CEOs should expect from their …

Play the Hits!

Here we are: Week #26. That means I’ve shipped a new issue of this newsletter every week for six months! In lieu of celebrating and taking the week off, let’s talk about giving your audience what they want. If you have something in your marketing mix that has done well, keep doing it! You might …

Brand Marketing or Performance Marketing?

Last week we looked at the importance of being data-driven in your marketing. This week, I listened to a great podcast that says the other side of the equation is equally important: Brand Marketing. Gartner analysts Julie Reeves and Noam Dorros, were recently on the #Hashtags marketing & communication podcast to talk about why marketing teams have shifted so far toward …

Why You Need to be a Data-Driven Marketer

Marketing has traditionally been run by “brand” people. Now that every line in the budget is examined on a regular basis, marketing leaders need to rely on data to prove the value of marketing. The creative and branding side is still important. But internally, the people at the top want to know how marketing is …

Benefits of Rebranding

I would imagine most of you have been through some sort of rebranding exercise at one point or another. Maybe you go through them often. Or, you’re getting ready to go through one (good luck!). Mai Fenton, chief marketing officer at Superscript recently underwent a full rebrand. On a recent episode of Scratch: CMO Interviews, Mai details how …